Pricing Engine

Pricing Engine: Why centralised pricing is your new competitive advantage

If you want to get accurate real-time purchase or sales prices for any channel in just milliseconds, and not a spreadsheet in sight, look no further… Centralised price management is an enabler to achieve profitability and margin management, and will give you the competitive edge you’re looking for!

Enterprises often struggle with managing layered pricing and trade incentives across multiple sales channels, so the ability to see your margin inclusive of all discounts and incentives whilst setting pricing levels becomes a critical factor. Excel cannot cope with this, so software that centrally manages real-time pricing, rebates, and accruals enables you to be more flexible, competitive and profitable. This can also be the difference between profit and loss.

Having visibility of your dead net margin (inclusive of discounts and incentives), gives your business the necessary tools to grow into a multi-channel enterprise. In many cases this is a very real competitive advantage, software to manage your trade revenue can be used to say no to unprofitable transactions. As you look at your business through a magnifying glass there is always an upside in refining your pricing strategy by eliminating multiple systems and spreadsheets and managing your pricing and rebates in one place. 

With a centralised pricing engine you can seamlessly direct pricing to any sales channel, platform or device such as eCommerce, ERP, Point of Sale devices, etc. A pricing engine will streamline your pricing, enable you to change your pricing instantly and align your pricing across sales channels.

Centralised pricing, calculated instantly!

The Flintfox Performance Pricing Engine is a high-performance pricing and rebate management solution that delivers more than 5,000 calculated prices per second. It streamlines your pricing processes and enables you to cater for infinite prices regardless of volume.

Whether orders are received via phone, customer service, or eCommerce, Flintfox provides one easy-to-use pricing engine for all price requests. Eliminate stale or table-driven pricing and get happier customers knowing they are getting the right price regardless of where and what they buy.

Companies who have a centralised and planned pricing strategy reap the benefits, but it’s down to the technology you choose to use that’s going to get you a competitive advantage:


Dead Net Margin Visibility

A pricing engine will transform your complex challenges associated with managing buy and sell-side pricing, trade spend, promotions and rebates by delivering a 100% accurate picture of your margin.

Centralised Price Management

Eliminate disconnected spreadsheets and manual processes. Promotions, discounts and up-charges all managed by a single source of pricing truth regardless of sales channel, is going to save you time and money, and give you the competitive edge you need to get the sale.

5,000 Prices Calculated Per Second

Get your competitive advantage with a pricing engine capable of handling the most complex pricing calculations that delivers accurate purchase or sales prices to any requesting application in milliseconds.

Automate Future Pricing With Dynamic Inputs

Having the functionality of instant visibility, ease of understanding and centralised real-time pricing, which protects your margin, enables you to manage your profitability, adjust to market trends more dynamically and puts you ahead of the competition.

Re-envision your business and customer journeys, simplify your price maintenance, be more flexible, and increase your margins with a single source of pricing truth.

The journey to success starts with a single step towards innovation and will be what differentiates you from your competition to give you the edge.