Buy & Sell Side Price Changes
Edit prices anytime based on effective date.
Improve accuracy and reduce administration, by verifying and approving changes ahead of time.

What it does
Flintfox enhances how price modifications are managed within your ERP system, especially in older systems without advanced capabilities.
You can set up price changes before effective dates, using both header and line level start and end dates.
Our platform allows mass price updates through file imports, copy and edit or via an Excel add-in.
This enables edits based on effective dates at any time.
The flexibility Flintfox provides ensures all price changes are thoroughly verified and approved before going into effect.
This streamlines the process and enhances operational efficiency.

What it solves
Unlike Traditional ERP systems, Flintfox enables you to make price changes before the launch date.
Our platform also enables early price adjustments, without the rush and pressure of immediate deadlines.
This reduces human errors and increases data accuracy.

The outcome
Flintfox empowers you to make precise and accurate pricing adjustments quickly, significantly reducing the administrative burden.
Our platform enables advance scheduling and price verification, so you avoid the last-minute rush and errors associated with day-of updates.
Enjoy smoother operations with our advanced planning features.
Your business, partners and customers will benefit from greater compliance with pricing policies and more efficient order processing.
Pricing solutions for all types of businesses
Ready to get started?
Calculate and deliver pricing, rebates, claims and deductions in real-time so you can protect margins and maximise revenue.