SiteOne Landscape Supply

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About SiteOne Landscape Supply

SiteOne Landscape Supply is the largest wholesale distribution company for landscape supplies with over 600 locations in USA and Canada. Their pricing engine was slow, cumbersome, and unable to integrate with their in-store point of sale and e-commerce platform.

The Challenge

Prior to the implementation of Flintfox, SiteOne were managing 1.5 Billion price combinations, 50 price models and 30K customers on a single spreadsheet – a very time consuming and error prone process. Their previous pricing engine did not integrate with their tech stack nor manage the volume of pricing they were forecasting per day.

“Our SiteOne’s e-commerce platform was there but there were a lot of challenges; it wasn’t connected to our POS… we were a little bit behind the times”

John Rockwell, Director of Application Development, SiteOne. 

They needed a fast, omnichannel pricing solution that saw them pricing in real-time across both B2B and B2C clients.

SiteOne determined both Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP and Flintfox’s Intelligent Pricing Platform could offer the following:

  • Calculate high volume of prices in real-time from one central source
  • Connect e-commerce and store pricing system
  • Reduce lost revenue and drive profitability

The Solution

Flintfox implemented their hyper-speed pricing engine that generates millions of prices per day, across multiple channels, in real time. We were able to provide project management and technical expertise that could not only benefit the pricing team, but also fill a technical knowledge gap within the overall business.

Furthermore, our platform was able to seamlessly integrate with both SiteOne’s legacy point-of-sale and their new Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP. Flintfox was able to provide expertise and advice on how to architect the tech stack and therefore the level of customizations required was minimal. In fact, many of the requirements SiteOne needed came out-of-the-box.

Following implementation of Flintfox’s intelligent pricing platform, SiteOne has experienced several positive business impacts, including;

Retirement of manual processes and spreadsheets

SiteOne were managing 1.5 billion price combinations, 50 price models and 30 thousand customers on a single spreadsheet. Now, with the implementation of a centralized and automated solution, SiteOne’s pricing is consolidated into a single source of truth ensuring consistency across the business.

Having an automated pricing engine has meant that SiteOne’s pricing management has become more reliable and more stable, ultimately benefiting the business by eliminating manual data errors. Additionally, the pricing team has saved countless hours from manual, data entry, therefore enabling them to focus more on the pricing strategy for the business.

“Having an intelligent pricing platform allows us to dynamically change with market conditions to scale across all of our stores across the US and Canada.” – John Rockwell, Director of Application Development, SiteOne.

Enabled hyper speed pricing

SiteOne’s legacy pricing engine was pricing in store at 1-2 seconds per item. With Flintfox’s intelligent pricing platform, pricing is now a few milliseconds. SiteOne is now able to price instantly using an automated platform reducing errors and increasing business productivity.

“None of the platforms that we looked at were suggested for the volume of prices we were projecting. We wanted to be able to generate millions of prices per day.”

Anna Kupchenko, Director of IT Business Applications for Finance, SiteOne.
Connected e-commerce platform with in-store POS

Being able to dynamically price with market conditions across both their e-commerce platform and in-store POS, has meant customers and staff can access transparent pricing immediately. This has helped drive growth, while improving their customer experience.

After implementation, SiteOne was able to grow from $0 to $1 million e-commerce sales in 6 months. They are currently approaching $40 million in e-commerce sales.


pricing accuracy


increase in profitability


prices in seconds

‘None of the platforms that we looked at were suggested for the volume of prices we were projecting. We wanted to be able to generate millions of prices per day.’

Anna Kupchenko Director of IT Business Applications for Finance, SiteOne
SiteOne and Flintfox

Meet the people behind the magic

The Flintfox team includes industry-leaders with expert knowledge, who developed their craft over thousands of projects. We make complex pricing and rebates simple, for clients in many industries across the globe.

The three gals

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